You can check the current location of your Pk Dex shipment using the parcel tracking number you received. Enter your tracking number in the search box to find your Pk Dex shipment status.

PK Dex Tracking Daraz Pakistan

Before you go into the details of PK Dex tracking, we tell you the details of its logistics. Daraz has a great stature in Pakistan’s online shopping. PK Dex is the backbone of logistics Daraz. PK Dex ensures that your parcels are handled with care and precision from when they leave the warehouse to when they arrive at your doorstep, focusing on prompt and safe delivery.

Domestic Services

They have a vast domestic network. A domestic network is as important as a global reach, guaranteeing better control, quality, and consistency. Access to their domestic network with a host of branch offices and express centers in all metropolitan cities of Pakistan strengthens their presence.


Like the rest of the world, e-commerce is a growing trend in Pakistan. You contact Pk Dex, they fully guarantee that the reach of your online business will be visible everywhere in Pakistan.

Same Day

This service is delivered on the same day of booking in selected metropolitan cities. Before booking your application, please get in touch with the local office to check if this facility is available in your town.

Next Day & Detain

If you want to send a gift to a friend or relative directly to their address, you can easily send it across Pakistan with a next-day delivery booking service.


Use the lowest rates for overland shipments to Pakistan with PK Dex. With the largest network across the country, their overland service is specially tailored for the transportation of heavy consignments and heavy goods across the country. It offers reliable delivery within 72-96 hours after booking.

Pk Dex Tracking

Custom Clearance

Depending on the delivery requirement, pk dex has the right customized clearance solutions for various destinations.

Necessary documents are required for import and export operations related to shipping and freight. Experts at their customs clearing agencies located in Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi ensure accuracy and care.

PK DEX Contact Number Details


54-O Ground Floor, Main Kashmir Road, P.E.C.H.S. Block 2, Karachi, Pakistan.



+92 213 4300631+92 213 4300633
+92 213 4300632+92 213 4300634

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